This Post is Prepared by Donnie Dann
Edibles For The Environment
Prepared by Donnie Dann
Mining Our Ocean’s Wealth… and its Peril
Prepared by Donnie Dann
The deep ocean floor is now being coveted by many nations and mining companies. Preliminary expeditions have found a considerable variety of precious metals including gold, silver, cobalt, manganese, copper, nickel and more. To this point industries have been unwilling to heavily invest in such a difficult and costly undertaking, but the recent combination of technological advances in underwater mining and steep increases in the price of precious metals, including gold, has started an aggressive push to mine the deep ocean floor. With an estimated $150 trillion in gold under our oceans, countries around the world have begun preparations for undersea mining.
Landmark Study Underscores Global Importance Of Chicago Region To Dozens Of Breeding Bird Species
Comprehensive data set shows mixture of successes and declines across habitat types
CHICAGO, IL June 7, 2022—A 22-year study of breeding birds shows that northeastern Illinois is a stronghold for breeding birds and of global importance for several key avian species. Breeding Bird Trends in the Chicago Region 1999-2020 provides an update on the status of more than 100 nesting species across grassland, shru-bland, wetland, and woodland habitats. The report shows that some breeding bird species are stable or expanding, while others face declines.
The Bird Conservation Network (BCN), a coalition of 21 conservation organizations dedicated to the preservation of birds and the habitats they need to survive, collected the data from managed lands within six counties: Cook, Lake, McHenry, DuPage, Kane, and Will. During the 22-year analysis period, volunteer monitors conducted nearly 30,000 surveys across more than 2,000 points annually in June and early July. The surveys followed strict protocols for breeding bird point counts in target habitats in county forest preserves, state parks, and other managed lands encompassing the Chicago Wilderness Region.
“People in Chicagoland tend to forget how unique it is that we have so many green spaces concentrated in the area,” said Eric Secker, President of the Bird Conservation Network. “We found that a lot of birds in Chicago are doing better than the rest of the state and elsewhere in the nation because we have so much land that’s being actively managed and restored.”
The study’s findings reveal a dynamic landscape. For example, birds becoming more common include Sandhill Cranes, Pileated Woodpeckers, and Northern Mockingbirds, while birds previously in decline appear to be stabilizing or showing growth, such as Red-headed Woodpeckers and Henslow’s Sparrows. At the same time, many species are showing distressing declines, such as Ovenbirds, Bobolinks, and certain other grassland species.
“Birds can be good indicators of the overall quality of the habitat in general,” Secker said. “It’s important to remember there are a lot of areas that continue to be developed and under threat.”
One species that stands out is the Henslow’s Sparrow, a secretive bird of dense weedy fields. Henslow’s Sparrows are declining nationally, but they are expanding in northeastern Illinois, by 3.4% per year in BCN’s analysis. The species has benefited from the restoration and creation of tallgrass prairie.
“In no place in the world will you find a greater concentration of Henslow’s Sparrows than in north- eastern Illinois,” said Jim Herkert, former Executive Director, Illinois Audubon Society. “It is a globally important landscape for this bird.”
Species analyzed had a minimum of 10 sightings over the period, and important species that did not meet this threshold were therefore not included in the survey results, although they remain of conserva-tion interest to the region. More than 200 volunteers participated in the survey over the years.
“The Bird Conservation Network has been a pioneer in using targeted surveys to better understand birds in a region,” said Chris Wood, Project Leader, eBird, Cornell University Lab of Ornithology, “and influence the way that areas are managed to ultimately increase the populations of species that are declining elsewhere.”
The decline in Bobolinks may be due to their preference for wetter fields, while some practices favor the conversion of hayfields and fallow fields to tall prairie species. Ovenbirds nest in the heavy leaf litter of woodlands and may be declining due to clearing and burning.
BCN hopes the study is a catalyst for action, particularly among researchers and land managers. Bird numbers overall are believed to have declined by 30% in the past 50 years. Birds face negative impacts such as habitat loss, building collisions, invasive species, the decline of insect populations, pollution, and climate change.
To view the full dataset and additional background and analysis, visit
Breeding Bird Trends in the Chicago Region 1999-2020
The Bird Conservation Network (BCN) is a coalition of 21 conservation groups, of which Lake Cook Audubon is a member, includes Audubon chapters, bird clubs, ornithological societies, and conservation organizations sharing an interest in the preservation of birds and the habitats they need to survive. The groups’ members total more than 35,000 people living primarily in the Chicago area but also throughout Illinois, northwestern Indiana, and southern Wisconsin.
Count Breeding Birds in June for Annual Survey
Challenge Grant for Lake-Cook Stewardship Project
The Illinois Audubon Society received good news in September 2021 that its application to Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation’s Community Challenge Grant has been accepted. The primary focus of this stewardship proposal is for the removal of invasive species and restoration with seeding and prescribed burning of the natural areas at Lake County property owned by Lake Forest Open Lands (LFOLA).
Early in 2020, the Lake-Cook Chapter of Illinois Audubon Society (IAS) became aware of the parcel and met with LFOLA staff to discuss possible volunteer stewardship opportunities at the site. A new partnership between IAS Lake-Cook Chapter and LFOLA was formed and the chapter immediately stepped in to install, monitor and maintain bluebird boxes and a purple martin system.
Volunteers initiated a breeding bird survey in the summer of 2021 and members have attended workdays that have been scheduled so far in 2021. Additional grant funds are available based on the number of hours that Lake-Cook Chapter volunteer stewards devote to restoration of the project area, as well as volunteer time spent on promoting the project on social media.
Owl Researcher Jonathan C. Slaght Wins Literary Science Writing Award
World Conservation Society has announced that biologist and author Jonathan C. Slaght has won the 2021 PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award for his book “Owls of the Eastern Ice: A Quest to Find and Save the World’s Largest Owl.” Congratulations, Jon!
Jon generously presented to Lake Cook Audubon on February 16, 2021. Many of those who attended have since read his book and given it rave reviews.
View the nominations as well as Jon’s brief acceptance remarks. You can read an excerpt from the book as well as buy it here.
Volunteer to Count Breeding Birds for Bird Conservation Network

BCN – the Bird Conservation Network – is a volunteer organization of 20 conservation groups across Northeast Illinois. BCN is dedicated to the preservation of our endemic breeding bird species. Lake/Cook Chapter is a charter member of BCN.
The centerpiece of BCN’s volunteer work is coordinating annual surveys of breeding birds at selected preserves across the region. For the past 20 years, these surveys have provided vital information for understanding the population trends of the key species we all care about. Most importantly, this detailed data is used by forest preserve districts and other land managers to identify their properties’ most critical preservation and restoration needs.
+ Birders are invited to volunteer
Since the count data is used for habitat conservation planning and scientific studies, volunteers with at least three years of birding experience are needed. You don’t need to be a super birder to volunteer, but bird survey participants should be able to identify birds breeding in our area by sound as well as by sight.
You can volunteer to monitor alone, or you can team up with a birding friend to monitor together. Only one birder in a team needs to be adept at identifying birds by sound.
+ What volunteers do
Monitoring entails two bird survey visits in June at one of the selected preserves in our area. As a monitor, you go to pre-determined points throughout your chosen preserve and count the number of birds seen and heard for ten minutes at each point. You enter your results into a special app Forest Preserve app (mECO) on your smartphone as you monitor at each point. The app automatically records weather conditions and also prompts you for questions about the foliage.
+ Nearby Properties Where Volunteer Monitors Are Needed:
Lake County
- Pine Dunes Forest Preserve
- Prairie Stream Forest Preserve (no website)
- Dutch Gap Forest Preserve (no website)
- McDonald Woods Forest Preserve
To volunteer or if you have any questions, contact:
BCN Monitor Coordinator Charlotte Pavelka
We hope you’ll consider becoming a monitor. The information you collect assists natural resource managers in preserving the places we love to bird and provides vital data in assessing how well we’re doing in preserving our bird species.
Backyard/Nearby Amateur Bird Photo Contest
Calling all amateur and casual bird photographers! While we’re social distancing, Lake/Cook Chapter invites you to submit bird photos taken in your backyard or on your nearby birding adventures for posting on the chapter’s Facebook page and recognition of the best snaps. Cellphone and regular cameras are fine – this isn’t a professional photo competition (no $10,000+ cameras please!) but just a way to stay connected and enjoy the spring migration together without the benefit of field trips.
Submit photos to photocontest@lakecookaudubon.
- Best Through-the-Window Photo
- Cutest Bird Photo
- Most Surprising Backyard Visitor
- Best Bird Behavior Photo
- Best Young Birder Photo (ages 8-16)
- Best Warbler Photo
- Contest runs May 15-June 15.
- One photo of interest will be featured at the end of each week.
- Photos must be of birds taken in Illinois in 2020 ONLY.
- Do not alter photos in any way other than enlarging or cropping.
- Do not submit professional photos. This is a contest for fun – not to show off our camera equipment.
- Submit photos to photocontest@lakecookaudubon.
org with your name (first name only and age for children), photo date, photo location, title and category.Camera/lens information is optional. - The contest coordinator will post your photos on the Lake/Cook Facebook page (Photo Contest Album).
- Photos will be judged on originality, composition, timeliness (extra credit for spring migrants!) and general appeal.
- The top three photos in each category will be announced one week after the contest closes.
- There are no prizes, but winners earn bragging rights!
Have fun and stay safe!
Stettner’s Silk Moth Copiopteryx Semiramis
A recent trip to Costa Rica turned up Copiopteryx semiramis, a large silk moth along the lines of our cecropia and luna moths. This species has no common name, so there is a move to name the species “Stettner’s silk moth”.
Stettner’s silk moth, Copiopteryx semiramis is a member of the subfamily Saturniinae. It typically has a wingspan of about 10 centimeters. Its patterned brown wings act as camouflage to evade predators. It is found mainly in the rain forests of South America
There is a long history of naming species after naturalists that are held in high esteem by the community. Craig Stettner (1963 – 2018) was a much-admired faculty member at Harper College in Palatine, Illinois where the College has also dedicated the Craig Stettner Prairie on its property.
Craig ran a popular study abroad program in Costa Rica, providing students with life changes experiences personally and academically. His commitment to conservation and passion for the environment was inspiring.
This public domain image comes from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, and is available online
The Environmental Protection(?) Agency
This Post is Prepared by Donnie Dann
Conservation Wins
This Post is Prepared by Donnie Dann
Occasionally the news is really good. The Bipartisan Budget Act signed into law late last year should be applauded by conservationists everywhere. Although the administration’s proposed budget included draconian cuts to a wide variety of environmental programs, with a reduction in the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by 31%, the final bill actually contained an increase for the EPA in excess of three-quarters of a billion dollars. In fact most of the agencies responsible for environmental protection received an increase from the prior year.
Moreover, a variety of environmental rules that were targeted for overturn were left largely untouched or even strengthened. Consider just one example, not just the language in the enacted law, but its tone. It pertains to the plummeting populations of our nation’s bats, consumers of billions of mosquitos and other night flying insects and a mammal that’s an essential part of our nation’s ecosystem, caused by a fungus called white-nose syndrome.
“White-Nose Syndrome.-The four Federal land management agencies and the U.S. Geological Survey are expected to continue to prioritize research on, and efforts to address, white-nose syndrome in bats and to work with other Federal, State, and non-governmental partners to implement the North American Bat Monitoring Program.”
A few other examples of the Act’s protecting our environmental heritage includes spending by the Corps of Engineers, an agency that increasingly factors in conservation in performing their mission. In every case I cite here, the administration’s budget had zeroed out any expenditures for these programs.
Shore Protection $53,000,000; Environmental Restoration or Compliance $35,000,000; Emergency Streambank and Shoreline Protection, $8,000,000; Project Modifications for Improvement of the Environment, $4,000,000 (Here the administration’s budget did propose $1,000,000). In some cases these identical programs are enhanced by appropriations for the same purposes but by other cabinet departments.
Other notable improvements over the administration’s budget: Funding for The National Park Service had been targeted for a 12 % decrease, but has been increased by 9%. Funding for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, which oversees the National Wildlife Refuge System has been increased by $75 million to $1.6 billion. The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), an eight-state, binational, bipartisan effort to clean up polluted areas which had been facing budget reductions of 90%, has been fully funded. The Land and Water Conservation Fund went from the administration’s 0 to $425,000,000.
Hawaii is known as the bird extinction capital of the world, per this from the Fish and Wildlife Service “Since humans arrived, 71 bird species have become extinct and 31 more are federally listed as threatened or endangered. Of these, 10 have not been seen in as long as 40 years and may be extinct.” Recognizing the peril of endangered forest birds in Hawaii this Act increased funding for Hawaii’s bird conservation efforts to $3 million.
The big picture: the entire Department of Interior, which includes the EPA and other environmentally related agencies saw their allotment increase from $32.28 billion to $35.25 billion, and the Department of Energy’s appropriation went from 37.8 billion to $43.2 billion.
I must emphasize that this list is only a tiny fraction of a bill over 300 pages in length.
It’s doubtful this could have happened without a lot hard work by Nature Conservancy, American Bird Conservancy, Natural Resources Defense Council, and many other fine conservation organizations. They deserve your help.
The Importance of Dirt
This Post is Prepared by Donnie Dann
- Provides nutrition for the food we eat, both plant and animal.
- Aids in nutrient recycling.
- Generates biodiversity and supplies vital habitat for a multitude of species.
- Improves our air quality and purifies our water.
- Nurtures trees and other plants that are essential in nature’s food chain.
- Limits erosion and provides flood control.
- Is a storehouse of archeological wonders.
- In the early 1930s, unremitting strong winds, a severe drought and poor farming methods gave us the dust bowl and the loss of more than 100,000,000 acres of topsoil, primarily in Texas and Oklahoma. One lesson from that time is that unplowed native prairies, with their deep-rooted grasses, anchored the soil and withstood the ravages of the disaster.
- Today, continuing soil degradation or actual loss of soil occurs through a variety of causes, including continued harmful land use practices, urbanization, erosion, land and water pollution, compaction by heavy farm equipment, cattle and other livestock, and especially intensive use of synthetic fertilizers.
- Unlike compost, which slowly feeds soil the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium that it requires, synthetic fertilizers “acidify soil with long-term use, rendering it inhospitable for microbial life.”
Our Wildlife is Going, Going…
This Post is Prepared by Donnie Dann
Not all gone, at least not yet. But the trend toward a reduction in biodiversity is deeply troubling.
Why does it matter if poachers, habitat loss, and legal and illegal hunting drive elephants to extinction? How will the loss of whales, tigers, polar bears and Whooping Cranes affect our daily lives? A world without these and innumerable other threatened and endangered inhabitants of our planet is a world not only diminished for people, but also in many cases life-threatening to us. From the World Wildlife Fund: “Biodiversity underpins the health of the planet and has a direct impact on all our lives. Put simply, reduced biodiversity means millions of people face a future where food supplies are more vulnerable to pests and disease, and where fresh water is in irregular or short supply.”
During earth’s history, five mass extinctions have occurred. We are now in the midst of the sixth—the Anthropocene—literally meaning the age of the humans. We have begun an epoch where humans bear direct responsibility for the current unprecedented rate of extinctions. From the Center for Biological Diversity, “Scientists estimate we’re now losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the background rate, with literally dozens going extinct every day.”
Human actions such as exploitation of natural resources, environmental contamination, deforestation, overpopulation, climate change and habitat loss have increased the extinction rate to unprecedented levels, and the impact on earth’s ecosystems has been (and will continue to be) devastating. For example, land use planner Randy Carpenter describes in an article in the Mountain Journal how the continued population growth rate in the Bozeman/Gallatin/Greater Yellowstone area will turn “America’s most iconic wild ecosystem…to a tidal wave of people.”
What can be done and what can you do? There are powerful forces driving our latest unprecedented rate of extinctions. But they can be resisted. The despoiling of natural habitats must be reversed, and those wild places that remain must be preserved. There must also be an increased recognition of wildlife’s value for its own sake, as well as for how it benefits people. One study calculated the value of the ecological services that nature provides us to be approximately $33 trillion, equal to almost the entire world’s gross product! A few suggestions for how you can help:
- Donate to conservation organizations like land trusts, and help them to directly protect habitat.
- If you cannot afford a cash gift, then donate your time. Many organizations have volunteer programs so you can help clean beaches, cut brush, gather seeds or pull unwanted plants.
- Say it! Speak up and share your passion for wildlife conservation with friends and family.
Much of wildlife protection is achieved or lost via the political realm. If you do not have a relationship with your elected officials, cultivate one. Ask for a face-to-face meeting and express your concern about wildlife tracking, endangered species protections and diminishing wildlife populations.
This Newsletter may be excerpted, reproduced or circulated without limitation.
Green Food Choices
- Did your hamburger come from a cow that munched on grasses that had once been a biodiverse, oxygen-producing Amazonian rainforest? According to the Global Forest Atlas, “Cattle ranching is the largest driver of deforestation in every Amazonian country, accounting for 80% of current deforestation rates.” Whenever possible, look for country of origin labels and buy local.
- Avoid purchasing pork, poultry, beef, and other livestock products sourced from animals raised in large “concentrated animal feeding operations.” These factory farms are known to release significant amounts of contaminants into the air and water.
- As agricultural pests evolve and become immune to traditional pesticides, manufacturers seeking to stop the critters develop newer, more pernicious chemical combinations that lace our food with pesticide residues. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) acknowledges that pest-killing residues were found on 85% of tested foods. Though the USDA claims that the levels found were lower than would be harmful to people, Eco-Watch points out that no long-term studies have ever examined the cumulative effect of eating a pesticide-coated apple a day for 20 years.
- Several large agribusiness companies, including Monsanto and DuPont, produce a type of soybean seed that is resistant to the herbicide dicamba. Dicamba is a pesticide that kills broadleaf plants like milkweed, which are considered weeds in a soybean field but are critically needed by Monarch butterflies to lay their eggs. When these companies sell a farmer dicamba-tolerant soybean seeds, the farmer knows he can spray his fields with dicamba and kill the weeds, but not the soybean plants. That’s a winning hand for that farmer, but not for neighboring farms or the greater ecosystem. One lawsuit filed against Monsanto and DuPont (among other defendants) alleges that “dicamba drift” resulting from vaporization and wind kills soybeans and other plants in adjoining farms that were not planted with dicamba-tolerant soybean seeds. Dicamba drift also threatens natural areas like nature preserves, destroying native habitat in the process.
- Buying organic foods that were not treated with pesticides keeps you and your family from ingesting potentially harmful chemicals. It may also prevent your food purchases from contributing to mass degradation of natural habitats and the resulting loss of plant and animal species.