Recycling – Myth or Reality

This Post is Prepared by Donnie Dann

The conscientious consumer faithfully puts the plastic container in a bin with every expectation that it will be recycled. Will it or won’t it? It depends.
At the bottom of that and other similar plastic containers is a triangle with a number inside, from #1 through #7, reflecting the 7 types of plastics. Plastics numbered #1and #2 will probably get recycled. Those numbered #3 through #7 are more challenging to recycle and most end up in a landfill.
Will recycling happen when it comes to materials like paper, newspapers, cardboard and cans? What about glass bottles? They can be recycled indefinitely. But it’s metal cans that have the highest rate, at 88%..The American Forest and Paper Association urges recycling of the following (a partial list):
Stationery                                                                                  Cardboard boxes
Newspaper                                                                                (clean) Pizza boxes
Magazines                                                                                 Envelopes
Catalogs                                                                                    Milk and juice containers
Phone books                                                                              Frozen food boxes
Paperboard boxes                                                                      Acceptable take-out food containers
White office paper                                                                     Candy boxes
Receipts                                                                                     Cereal boxes
Writing paper                                                                             Over the counter medicine boxes
Padded (non-plastic) mailers
Thus our environmentally mindful consumer can take pride in his/her conscientiousness. It all depends on what he/she puts in that bin. The take-home message is wherever possible limit what you buy that is encased in plastic (other than #1 and #2). and be sure to clean and recycle everything from the list shown.