Backyard/Nearby Amateur Bird Photo Contest

Calling all amateur and casual bird photographers! While we’re social distancing, Lake/Cook Chapter invites you to submit bird photos taken in your backyard or on your nearby birding adventures for posting on the chapter’s Facebook page and recognition of the best snaps. Cellphone and regular cameras are fine – this isn’t a professional photo competition (no $10,000+ cameras please!) but just a way to stay connected and enjoy the spring migration together without the benefit of field trips.

Submit photos to with your name (for children’s entries first name only and age), photo date, photo location, title and category. Camera/lens information is optional.


  1. Best Through-the-Window Photo
  2. Cutest Bird Photo
  3. Most Surprising Backyard Visitor
  4. Best Bird Behavior Photo
  5. Best Young Birder Photo (ages 8-16)
  6. Best Warbler Photo


  1. Contest runs May 15-June 15.
  2. One photo of interest will be featured at the end of each week.
  3. Photos must be of birds taken in Illinois in 2020 ONLY.
  4. Do not alter photos in any way other than enlarging or cropping.
  5. Do not submit professional photos. This is a contest for fun – not to show off our camera equipment.
  6. Submit photos to with your name (first name only and age for children), photo date, photo location, title and category.Camera/lens information is optional.
  7. The contest coordinator will post your photos on the Lake/Cook Facebook page (Photo Contest Album).


  1. Photos will be judged on originality, composition, timeliness (extra credit for spring migrants!) and general appeal.
  2. The top three photos in each category will be announced one week after the contest closes.
  3. There are no prizes, but winners earn bragging rights!

Have fun and stay safe!

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